The pink plain of Veria welcomes spring

Welcome to the plain of Veroia, a unique piece of nature that highlights the magic of spring with the spectacle of peach blossoms. Veroia extends on the eastern foothills of Vermio and is today one of the largest forest municipalities in the country, which creates the right climatic conditions for the cultivation of peaches, known for their taste and aroma all over the world. The spectacular picture of blossoming peach trees and cute pink blossoms develops for a limited period of time each year, from the end of February to the first days of April, when the crops are in bloom throughout the entire plain.
This stunning view is spread over an area of approximately 170,000 acres. A pink carpet seems to stretch with over 8 billion flowers each year, creating a stunning sight that captivates visitors. Whether looking down on the plain from above or crossing it along the road from Thessaloniki, the visitor is confronted with a spectacle that invites us for unforgettable photos and walks through the flowering meadows.
If you visit the destination you are likely to come across several cultural and sporting events for everyone that take place under the trees. It is now an established part of the events, to organize a cycling route around the flowering areas. The location is suitable for picnics, so don't forget to bring a snack or snacks from home.
The journey to the site from Thessaloniki is extremely short and takes less than 1 hour (55 minutes) by car or by bus.